Trauma-Informed Sales Page Audit


Wondering if your sales page is trauma-informed? Need help to get it there? Don’t wanna DIY it or do it alone? This offering is for you!

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1| I’ll send you a form so you can share your sales page and questions and concerns with me.

2| I’ll pore over your sales page, taking my time and taking notes about potential revisions and shifts you can implement to make this web page more trauma-informed without sacrificing sales.

3| You’ll receive my insights, guidance and potential edits. This might come in captioned video or a visual format, depending on what feels right. And if you have questions about implementing any of these suggestions, we can talk it through over e-mail! I’m here for you.

ALSO! You’ll get access to TRAUMA-INFORMED PRICING, a self-paced course to guide you through crafting trauma-informed pricing.